Hi everyone!
Have you seen the new Czech glass spike beads? They come in two sizes and a wide range of delectable finishes with enchanting names like Magic Blueberry, Sapphire Silver and Silky Gold Iris Picasso and Kandra's Beads carries over 30 different colours. They are a lot of fun to work with, adding a new dimension to your designs and as they have a hole running through the base they can either be captured in beading or used in stringing or sewn designs. I recently had chance to play with the 17mm spike beads and created my new pattern 'Thorn Flowers' which Kandra now sells on CD along with the rest of my patterns.
Why not treat yourself to some of these exciting spike beads by either calling in to the store or by following this link to buy them on-line. If you would like to purchase a CD of my new Thorn Flower pattern to give you some design ideas to get you started click here or if you would prefer a PDF of one of my patterns to be emailed to you, you can buy them directly from my website.
Bye for now!
thank you, Kerrie:-) Very nice work with spikes ... :-)